Welcome to
Klickitat Bookkeeping
About us...
There are few things in life as boring or monotonous than the work of bookkeeping. Sure, you can do all of that tedious number crunching on your own, but that's not why you got into business.

We at Klickitat Bookkeeping are a little off-kilter. We have to admit there are few things which excite us more than a balance sheet that balances, a beautifully created spreadsheet is like music to our ears, and getting your small business in order is what we are all about. If your small business is in need of any amount of help, whether it be one day a month, or several hours a week, contact us and let us know how we can meet your bookkeeping needs.

Email : crista@klickitatbookkeeping.com

Phone : 503-816-3666
Contact Information

You can email us directly or simply fill in your information below and we will get back to you as soon as we can.  Feel free to only enter information you feel is important for us to know.  Thanks!

First Name:
Last Name:
Address Street 1:
Address Street 2:
Zip Code: (5 digits)
Daytime Phone:
Evening Phone:

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